One of the many friends that I have met through this teaching experience invited me to spend the New Year with her. Her family lives just outside of Dublin. This was an amazing opportunity to experience Ireland through a local's eyes. She decided to show us where the craic is mighty!! We spent the first two nights at her place where her family so graciously welcomed us into their home. When we arrived late on the first night her mother had prepared an Irish lamb stew. It was delicious!! We met up with several other friends so that their was a total of eight in our party now. We had two rental cars and I will have to be honest and say that it was quite scary driving. I have been to several countries that drive on the left side of the road but never have I trusted a fellow American to give it a try while I am a passenger but all was well. After the most wonderful night's rest we headed out Dublin.

First we headed to Temple Bar... which is a district not an actual bar... and I started my morning out right with an Irish coffee. At home I always thought an Irish coffee was a bit different but I quite enjoyed my coffee with whiskey.
During my adventure this was about as close as I came to seeing and leprechauns.
This beautiful building is actually the Dublin post office. I had to make sure to get a picture in front of it for Dad! There is actually a museum inside as well. We didn't have much time so we explored a bit inside but didn't actually go into the museum portion of the building.
Ireland really reminded how much I miss my evergreen state!
Of course there is no way I could come all the way to Dublin and not get some fresh Guinness from the St. James Brewery. Barb, our Irish tour guide and dear friend did not join us since she was picking up our tickets for the evening New Years Eve show but here is a picture with the rest of our group.
I am not the biggest fan of dark beer but I have always found Guinness to be a very light- dark beer. If I had enjoyed it before... I really enjoyed it now. This picture of the ladies is from the sky bar at the very top of the brewery. The brewery tour was a lot of fun and we all enjoyed our free pint at the end.
Next we headed over the the Jameson Distillery. We didn't get to spend much time there but just enough to have a little tasting and do some shopping. I would have been very disappointed if I hadn't gone since this is my favorite sipping alcohol.
We finished up with touring several other landmarks but then had to return to get dressed up and head out for the evening. Again we were provided with a lovely meal and then rushed to finish our last touches.
We spend New Year's Eve at the College Green where several local bands were playing outside along with some river dancing. It was soooo much fun and definitely a New Years that I won't ever forget.
Our countdown! HAPPY NEW YEARRRRR!
After getting some late night "best kebob in Dublin" we caught taxi's back to Barb's house. We had an early start planned for the next day since we were heading up to Northern Ireland.
We of course made some stops along the way.
This is Trim Castle. I am told these are the largest castle ruins in Ireland.
This is the high cross in Kells.
Here is the round tower in Kells. This was our last stop before arriving in Belfast, Northern Ireland.